Kindergarten - 2nd Grade Community
5+ years

The FSCS K - 2 mixed-age program provides flexible curricular materials that address the unique differences in the ability and development of the students. Two teachers guide and encourage each child to develop critical and creative thinking skills. In addition to academic core skills: reading, writing, and math, the program uses STEAM to integrate all other secondary subjects which follow Texas Education Agency regulations. By using a more Socratic, kinetic environment teachers and peers can acknowledge each student's personal achievements. This develops a sense of self-confidence and respect for others, responsibility, and positive feelings toward learning through an accumulation of experiences.
Many of our K-2 friends are the graduates of our Primary community. Returning students integrate the core values into the classroom culture which creates a strong sense of inclusion, confidence, and respect from peers. If your child is entering Four Seasons for the first time at the Kindergarten - 2nd grade stage, he or she must be 5 years old by September 1 of that year and attend an informal interview with the FSCS staff. A referral from a former teacher or caregiver will be requested.